Bugs list (ArtSymptom)

David Revoy davidrevoy at gmail.com
Sat Dec 24 15:47:40 UTC 2011

> *1.*
> *Problem when creating custom brush preset:*
> I import a shape from my photoshop brushes, once I put the size and 
> save the preset, I can start using it,
> but once I press "shift+left click and drag" the size goes completly 
> to zero and I'm not able to increase the
> size anymore using shift and drag. I only can rezise it again using 
> the "edit brush settings panel.
I also noticed this one but I didn't get the time to report it  ( Linux 
Mint 11 64b ).
It happen with large brush mask (not only from Ps) , when they got 
reduced under a certain point.

> *5.*
> I know I can use shift+left click and drag, but, it could be really 
> good if you add a slider like the "opacity" and "flow" (and I know 
> theres a dropbox for opacity and flow that says "size"). I think that 
> if you guys put a slider without hitting the dropdown can be really 
> good when you want a specific size, the x1, x10, x100 that is in the 
> brush editor can be really handy at the right side of the Flow slider 
> in the top, it gives you a really lot of control when painting without 
> going to the brush editor and hitting more and more dropboxes.
> Thanks a lot for the development, this is growing up fast.
I also replace very often the 'flow' with 'size' ; not really to tweak 
it* ; but as visual feedback of the size I'm using.
( * I'm definitely a user of 2 keyboards shortcut to resize brush, I 
even don't use shift+drag  )
I would like Krita to remind this customisation at next opening ( as for 
'show all' brush on preset , and tools settings in general )

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