UX 2011 Sprint: Krita Slide Bar

Cyrille Berger Skott cberger at cberger.net
Sat Apr 16 19:14:27 CEST 2011

On Saturday 16 April 2011, Cyrille Berger Skott wrote:
> Hi,
> I am attending a UX sprint, and we had some quick discussions on some
> issues with our slide bar. Here is the wiki page:
> http://community.kde.org/Sprints/UX2011/KritaSlideBar#Ideas
> We still need ideas on how to make it clear that the text is editable by
> right-clicking though.
And now I have talked with Peter and Kate (from openusability) about the 
slider, and the idea would be to make it looks more like a slider, but without 
the handle that move, and maybe but the text in a corner that you can left-
click on it to edit.

And if you want a bug try this:
krita --style cleanlooks
krita --style windows

And some other styles, as well. At least all that put the text label right to 
the progress bar.

Cyrille Berger Skott

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