Photographic features and other non-paint features)

Cyrille Berger cberger at
Tue Mar 2 08:30:55 CET 2010


Lets start the list of (purely) photographic related features:
* lens correction
* tone mapping
* bracketing to HDR layer
* Gaussian / Wavelet noise reduction

And the list of filters that I don't think are so useful for our vision:
* cubism
* pixelize
* raindrop
* oilpaint
* emboss ?
* small tiles
* round corner

If you disagree with that list, or if you want to add something, feel free to 
tell it :)

Also I had like to delay their removal until I have setup a proper 
infrastructure to host extensions (more about that in a mail), which would 
probably mean remove them after 2.2.

Cyrille Berger

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