
Marc pe.marc at free.fr
Tue Jun 22 11:08:52 CEST 2010

> > > > I don't know how to fix it as it seems to depend on Qt's QUndoStack
> > > > much. So i just wrote the test for the problem. What do you think
> > > > about it?
> > > 
> > > I don't know how to fix it either. Maybe we can find a way to make the
> > > transform tool be able to coalesce many changes without messing with the
> > > undo
> > > stack, that was always very unstable.
> > 
> > Yeah, that would be the best solution. Speaking truly, i'd like transform
> > tool to work in overlay(?). Like "Line" and "Rectangle" tools. And commit
> > to undo stack then.
> Well, I want to have direct preview of the actual transformed pixels, but I am 
> fine with copying the selected pixels to a QImage and transforming and showing 
> that on top of the layer stack. A bit like the hack pippin discussed for gegl 
> on irc.

I thought about something like this. That would be quite convenient
because we wouldn't have to blit rectangles into others during the use
of the tool : we could apply the transformations directly to the temp

> > Btw, do incremental transformations lower the quality?
> No: all transforms are collected in one transformation and that is done on the 
> original image after the user is done with the tool.

It's supposed to be how boud says eventually, but for now it works
differently. Incremental transformations do not lower the quality,
because at the activation of the tool, we make a copy of the original
state, and we always apply the transformation from this state. Actually,
all the transformations you do are reduced to a composition of 1
translation, 1 scale, 1 rotation, 1 shearing, even if you get the
impression that we compose transformations one after another :) (only 1
call to the transform worker).
The problem with this is that we have to restore the original state (the
pixels paintdevice and the selection paintdevice) each time ! That's
what's making it slow. A possible solution is the hack proposed by boud
just below.

Btw, while it will still be possible to reduce the transformations to 1
transformation with shearing, perspective, and rotation around a
changing center (for now you can see that the center is always the
same), it won't be the case with warping.
That means we can't afford to go back the original state for each
transformation, because it'll take too much time applying ALL the
transformations from the beginning.

> > 
> > Maybe we can do something using the tool activation/deactivation (or a
> > timer
> > 
> > > with a pause) that commits the complete transform in one action.
> > 
> > Timer :(. I'm afraid we will end up with the same undo stack signals. I
> > think we need a button (big and red! :) ) that will end transformation,
> > commit it into the stack and remove "hands" from the canvas. After pressing
> > this button, editing of the previous transformation will not be possible.
> No, I wouldn't go for the big button. Other apps manage to work without a big 
> button, we must be able to find a way to do this right as well.

I don't know about that either, but that's the way photoshop's transform
tool works : it creates a temporary copy of the selection, then the user
can work directly on this copy, which is degraded for each
transformation. When the user pushes a validation button, all the
transformations are reduced and applied to the original selection (to
have as little degradation as possible°;

> > Marc, is it possible to implement?

Everything is possible, we just need to agree on something first :).


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