failing tests on 32 vs 64 bits

Boudewijn Rempt boud at
Tue Apr 13 17:21:48 CEST 2010

On Tuesday 13 April 2010, Cyrille Berger wrote:

> I could not reproduce in a 64bits VM. I will try later to run more Krita
> tests in that VM.

Could you also try to reproduce the invalid read by one issue I see when using 
memcheck on a 64 bit system?

> Can you try to remove the opengtl plugins and see if it makes a difference
> for you other tests ?

Do you mean the ctl files, or the ctlcs	plugin? If I remove the latter, I 
don't get the failures.

> And then extra nice would be if you could run tests
> of OpenGTL (you would need to set OPENGTL_BUILD_TESTS to true in opengtl's
> build dir, and then make test, I expect a lot of failures due to the lack
> of the dataset, but I should be able to see if there are unexpected
> failures).

The following tests FAILED:
          1 - TestGTLCore (Failed)
          3 - TestOpenCTL (OTHER_FAULT)
         55 - assert_true.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         56 - constants.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         57 - exponentials.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         58 - trigonometric.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         59 - floatfunctions.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         60 - powers.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         61 - lookup.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         62 - interpolate.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         63 - vecmatop.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         65 - addition_good.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         66 - substraction_good.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         68 - substraction_bad.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         69 - multiplication.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         76 - if.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         77 - ifelse.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         78 - for.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         79 - return.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         80 - defaultparameter.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         81 - initialiserlist.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         82 - while.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         85 - struct.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         86 - structarray.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         87 - arraystruct.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         88 - array.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         89 - arrayarray.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         90 - initarray.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         91 - arraysimplecoumpoundinitialisation.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         92 - arrayarraysimplecoumpoundinitialiser.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         93 - arrayfunctioncoumpoundinitialisation.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         94 - arrayargfunction.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         95 - structsimplecoumpoundinitialiser.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         96 - structarraysimplecoumpoundinitialiser.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         97 - structarrayarraysimplecoumpoundinitialiser.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         98 - structfunctioncoumpoundinitialisation.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
         99 - copystruct.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
        100 - copyarray.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
        101 - returnstruct.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
        102 - returnarray.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
        103 - constarraynosize.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
        104 - returnarrayarray.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
        105 - arrayoverflow.ctl (OTHER_FAULT)
        143 - TestOpenShiva (Failed)
        145 - floor.shiva (OTHER_FAULT)
        146 - length.shiva (OTHER_FAULT)
        147 - ceil.shiva (OTHER_FAULT)
        148 - fract.shiva (OTHER_FAULT)
        149 - clamp.shiva (Failed)
        150 - region.shiva (OTHER_FAULT)
        158 - Gradient.shiva (Failed)
        159 - MandelbrotSet.shiva (Failed)
        160 - PlainGenerator.shiva (Failed)
        161 - PerlinNoise.shiva (Failed)
        162 - Noise.shiva (Failed)
        163 - blur.shiva (Failed)
        164 - copy.shiva (Failed)
        165 - oilify.shiva (Failed)
        166 - RawToColor.shiva (Failed)
        167 - RawToGray.shiva (Failed)
        168 - SimpleDemosaicing.shiva (Failed)
        169 - LinearDemosaicing.shiva (Failed)
        170 - PixelGroupingPass1.shiva (Failed)
        171 - BimedianDemosaicing.shiva (Failed)
        172 - PixelGroupingPass2.shiva (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
make: *** [test] Error 8

Boudewijn Rempt |

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