My GSoC proposal for Krita (Edition 2010)

Emanuele Tamponi emanuele at
Tue Apr 6 17:43:50 CEST 2010

Hello everybody,

it's been a long time since my last mail to the mailing list... due to both me 
being uncomfortable with mailing lists in general ( :) ) and because I've had 
a lot to do!

Anyway, GSoC 2010 is here and I've a little idea for Krita :) Here I'll write 
a short draft of it.

Proposal: Corrections to the Kubelka-Munk Colorspace implementation and 
contributions to the related Krita plug-ins

My code for the Kubelka-Munk colorspace and other krita plugins that rely on 
it (mainly the Painterly Color Mixer) needs to be corrected and revised in 
order to be ready for the great public.

My work for the Summer of Code would be:
1) Consolidate the mathematical foundations of the colorspace by enhancing the 
equations, basing them on more precise studies.
2) Finish the implementation so that it's in a good enough shape for release
3) Help improving the related plug-ins (for now, the Painter Color Mixer).

That's it, quite shortly!

I'd like to ear your ideas before I submit the proposal :)


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