GSoC proposal: comic related brush engines and impasto implementation

Adam nospam at
Tue Apr 6 11:51:06 CEST 2010

On Tue, 06 Apr 2010 08:33:03 +0200, JL VT <pentalis at> wrote:
> ..
> This could be achieved by creating specialized filters
> and refining the already existing filter brush engine such that both  
> tools
> integrate and work seamlessly.
> Creating a completely new, parametric brush engine is another option.
> Whichever way turns out to be the best in terms of code correctness
> and usability
> ..

It's probably better to research, which of these methods is better and  
include only the right method.

> ..
> If the filter brush code is enough to work
> seamlessly with those filters, work will be done on making this
> integration. However, if this is not possible, a new brush engine  
> specially
> prepared to make use of those filters will be prepared, ready to accept  
> input
> like stylus pressure and angle and to turn it into pattern parameters.
> ..

also, imo you should know, how much work the filter brush needs and put  
that info into the proposal.

if you know these two things, it will be easier to write the timeline.

i wouldn't write into the info about you, that you have unfinished work,  
because this gives bad impression.

regards, adam
(also a gsoc applicant, so my opinion is not really important)

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