Review Request: added a baseclass for all selection tools

Sven Langkamp sven.langkamp at
Sat Dec 19 03:46:47 CET 2009

On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 3:04 AM, Adam <nospam at> wrote:

> On Fri, 18 Dec 2009 23:09:11 +0100, Sven Langkamp <sven.langkamp at>
> wrote:
>  On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 6:40 PM, Adam <nospam at> wrote:
>>  Somehow this notification didn't get through..
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>>> Review request for KOffice.
>>> Summary
>>> -------
>>> I added KisToolSelectBase as a base class for all selection tools and
>>> refactored the tools in the selectiontools directory to use it. If this
>>> patch will be accepted, I will also move KisToolSelectSimilar to the
>>> selectiontools dir, add the new parent and implement the junior job
>>> "implement shortcuts to switch between selection modes (add, subtract,
>>> replace) for the Krita selection tools".
>>> I noticed 2 bugs (crash in path select and lines not visible in
>>> polygonal,
>>> already in the old version present), which I will also try to fix.
>>> KisToolSelectPolygonal will need a new shortcut for deactivating.
>> Looks good. I think it would be better to put the new base class in
>> krita/ui/tool, makes it easier reusable.
>> For the temporary line painting have a look at the shape tools. Lukas did
>> already fix it there.
>> While you are working on the actions you could also switch the comboboxes
>> in
>> that widget to button groups.
> ok..
> I'm unsure, what you mean by button group. Something like this? [see
> attachment]
> Imo such a group box needs very much space, but otherwise this toolbox
> won't be visible the whole time, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Yes, like that. See QButtonGroup.
Instead of putting a box around them just align them in a row like Gimp
does. For the action button we have to replace the text by icons so that
they fit into one row too.

I have seen some mockups about future plans for that like,
but for now simple buttons will do.
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