LukasT.dev@gmail.com lukast.dev at gmail.com
Fri Dec 4 00:21:45 CET 2009


I commited fix for the outline of the selection by outline tool and I wanted to 
ask what we will do with the buffer I added to QPainter canvas? Should I still 
produce two versions code? One for the canvas with buffer compiled and one 
without? I added black background to the dotted line as second version btw.

When I added the QImage as another buffer there were some things about the 
speed. So do we plan to leave the buffer or remove? Or merge somehow with 
projection? But how? QImage in QPainter canvas = projection image + gray 
borders => RasterOp_XOR works for tools

The QImage is used so that every platform uses RasterOp for the canvas so that 
we get RasterOp_XOR working and having visible tool outlines. 

On the other hand it may be slowing down the performance because of another 
buffer. I did not notice any difference but I don't know how to measure it.

So what? Remove the ifdef and use INFINITE or produce two versions? That means 
support 3 canvas types = OpenGL and QPainter with and without RasterOp_XOR.


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