2.2 Release plan

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Tue Dec 1 15:14:29 CET 2009

On Tuesday 01 December 2009, Jaroslaw S wrote:
> From the packagers POV:
> But how to do that if Krita comes in the same tarball as the other apps?
> Is there a plan to have #ifdefs in Krita to support builds for OSes
> that are based on Qt 4.5
> (OK for those that agree with the degraded feature(s) or performace)?
To be explicit, Qt 4.5 => no krita 2.2, there is no #ifdef that can save you 
from that, since what we are interested in the bug fix deep in Qt 4.6 that 
makes tablet work out of the box, instead of having to tell users that they 
need to edit their hal files.
Since Krita is advertised as a paint application, it is a must have. So OSes 
that are based on Qt 4.5 and won't have 4.6 (is there any ?) won't have krita 

Cyrille Berger

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