Popslide idea

C. Boemann cbr at boemann.dk
Tue Mar 25 13:23:08 CET 2008


Looking at it physiologically you might be able to explain a lot, but in 
practice it's mch simpler to move the hand sideways. The y direction of the 
slider is locked so moving the hand in an arc is not a problem.

And if i had to make a movement in the y direction (if the the slider was 
vertical) then i would have to move the entire arm. I don't know about you, 
but I rest my hand on top of the mouse so moving my fingers doesn't help in 
moving the mouse.

best regards
Casper Boemann

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Moritz Moeller" <mnm at dneg.com>
To: "Krayon (KImageShop)" <kimageshop at kde.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: Popslide idea

> Valerie wrote:
>> Instead, check out this proposal in Inkscape by Anthony Walter!
>> http://www.codebot.org/popslide.jpg
> One comment: imho this should be a vertical pop-slider.
> It is much easier to move the mouse or a pen precisely vertical than it
> is to do so horizontal.
> This has to do with the degrees of freedom that joints in the hand and
> arm have in each direction.
> It requires movement of the entire arm up to the shoulder joint to move
> the mouse on a horizontal line at all. The hand joint just allows for
> arc movements. I.e. if just the the wrist joint is used then the father
> away from the original position the mouse if moved, the more of a
> vertical one the movement becomes.
> The next joint that has a degree of freedom to aid a precise horizontal
> movement is unfortunately the shoulder joint. Most finger joints, too,
> only have a one degree of freedom except at each finger's root joint but
> few people actually can shear all their fingers at one to make use of
> this with a mouse (and the angle is very small in that direction in any
> case).
> For the vertical direction, however, the wrist- and all joints of all
> fingers who are on the mouse allow for precise movement on an straight
> line; without much effort.
> .mm
> P.S.: for a Really Awesome Pop Slider[tm], look at Houdini's 'Value Grids'
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