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Sat Mar 22 00:06:47 CET 2008

everything else. In particular, I Hate having to go through All
available fonts or gradients just to find back the two or three I
frequently use. By arranging them in folders and with a menu system
to easily access them though, I can push back all the ones I don't 
use often, and have the ones I do use readily accessible.

I guess I should do more mock-ups though. Really, if it were hands-on,
it would be very simple:
- click on the drawer icon
- click "watercolor brushes"
- watercolor brush presets get loaded into that toolbar
- repeat and click "oil brushes"
- the watercolor presets are replaced by oil brush presets
- repeat and go Generic -> Dynamic brushes
- Dynamic brushes get loaded

See? In the same way:
- click on a drawer + font icon
- click on "chart fonts"
- so-called "chart fonts" get loaded into the usual drop-down
- click on "comic fonts"
- fonts you use for comics appear in the drop-down instead


Basically, you're loading custom toolbars/drop-downs/whatever.
It's probably not a priority right now though, if the rest
of you can already refine the current brush interface, it's
already a huge step forward.

As for the Gimp code part, I'm not really talking about re-using code,
but using the underlying algorithmics and concepts, when possible
of course. :)

But really, the brush example I've pointed to for example isn't part
of Gimp yet. But having a brush like that, able to blend with 
background color on-canvas, well why Not try to get it if possible?
(I'm not sure if the color mixer actually achieves the same result,
it seems to me that it's not completely the same, but I'm not sure)

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