.kra files missing

Nathaniel Gray n8gray at caltech.edu
Wed Jan 23 08:52:34 CET 2008

On Jan 22, 2008, at 10:49 PM, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:

> On Tuesday 22 January 2008, Nathaniel Gray wrote:
>> Ok, I figured it out.  The IMAGE element in maindoc.xml had the
>> attribute profile="Adobe RGB (1998)" in my original image.  Changing
>> it to "sRGB built-in - (lcms internal)" let me open maindoc.xml once
>> more.  The color profile of the photo doesn't seem to have been lost,
>> so I guess I'm OK.  I've got some other questions about color
>> management in Krita, but I'll save them for another message.
> It is a bit worrying, though, because it indicates that the profile  
> loading is
> somehow broken on OS X.

It's possible that this is a configuration problem on my side.  I was  
playing with the native 2.0 alpha release packaged by RangerRick for a  
while but couldn't get it to work properly (Krita couldn't find its  
icon files -- all the tools were blank!).  I wonder if somehow the  
settings from those experiments polluted my environment.  But I have  
uninstalled all that stuff and deleted my ~/.kde and ~/Library/ 
Preferences/KDE directories in the meantime, so I think that shouldn't  
be an issue.

This problem seems to tie in with my question about color profiles.  I  
can set a monitor profile and a printer profile, but (in 1.6.3 at  
least) there's no way to set a working profile.  Am I missing some way  
to specify this?  "Adobe RGB (1998)" is the profile embedded in my  
tiff file, and Krita seems to have used it as the working profile for  
the document but I suspect it's failing because it can't find it on  
disk.  (It *would* be nice if it popped up a warning dialog and  
continued instead of refusing to load your data just because it  
couldn't load the color profile.)  So I suspect one way to work around  
this problem would be to copy the profile to someplace Krita can find  
it, but ideally the embedded profile would be enough.


 >>>-- Nathaniel Gray -- Caltech Computer Science ------>
 >>>-- Mojave Project -- http://mojave.cs.caltech.edu -->

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