Thoughts on Krita website presentation

Petr Vanek petr at
Wed Sep 12 08:40:05 CEST 2007

hi all,

this is Petr from Scribus team speaking ;)

I've read this thread about this Office vs. Creativity clash and I'm
fascinated of both ideas of:
1) splitting koffice into office/create packages. It's a good way to
highlight the Krita (and karbon)
for users. I think that Krita is still underrated by the general community.
But it depends on
its distributors and/or packagers.

2) the idea of "Creativity Apps" makes me really happy. I'd like to see some
"meta package"
of all good graphics SW across desktop enviroments and GUI toolkits. Maybe
just a
simple (but nice designed) page at e.g. freedesktop or elsewhere (I think
there will be
some trolls when it will be on ;)) with the list of *maintaned* apps
for various
purpose - from painting through photo manipulation into dtp and finally for
tasks like imposition or device calibrating.

It should be followed with a simple note in the "About" dialog of every app
Now we are part of the 'The Committee for the Liberation and Integration of
Organisms and their Rehabilitation Into Society'. Erm, one drawback with
that - the
abbreviation is 'CLITORIS'" -- maybe I'm watching Red Dwarf too much)

but it's just an idea ;)

cheers and all the best
Petr Vanek

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