are selections part of kispaintdevice or aren't they?

Cyrille Berger cberger at
Thu Oct 4 23:11:16 CEST 2007

On Thursday 04 October 2007, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> My feeling is that the only solution is to take KisSelection away from
> KisPaintDevice, but that means that the iterator's isSelected methods no
> longer work and that we have to manually create an iterator on a selection
> every time we access a paint device.
> Any ideas?
Wondering about that. A possibility is to give the KisSelection as a 
createIterator/createRandomAccessor parameter. The question is wether it's 
only laziness on our part (less code change, but no shame to that :) ) or 
does it also make sense API wise (and do we care enought ?) ?

Cyrille Berger

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