
david powell achiestdragon at
Mon Nov 12 19:56:39 CET 2007

On Monday 12 November 2007 18:21:19 Casper Boemann wrote:
> > tempera in English though sounds way to similar to temper that is to
> > flame and temporary that would lead to a lot of confusion as to if its a
> > perminant
> > thing or not
> Tempera doesn't have my vote either. Quite the contrary
although maybe a bit tacky 

Kreative  / Kreativity 
has the advantage that the K seems to be sort of one of the KDE
marks that people are accustomed to seeing on the naming of applications
the creative /creativity  part  is easly understud as what it dose at a glance
and would cover any art based application that has no association with paint 
like say a origami application 

tempera although is just a word discribing a particular not often used now
type of paint that may leave you with the feeling you have rotten egg on your 
face so to speak 

and a photographer or other none artistic trained person it would have no 
meaning or relivence and may just skip passed it without knowing that it is 
anything to do with what there looking for 

secondly since the objective of this name choice is for  artistic types of 
applications then the name tempera as a type of paint 
would not say be relivent to none paint based art applications 

> best regards
> Casper
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