Mock-ups proposals for an eventual Krita and "Kreative" site

Valerie VK valerie_vk at
Sun Nov 11 11:49:15 CET 2007

Since people are talking again about a separate website for the image
components of KOffice, I'm finally done with the following: they are
mock-up proposals for the main "kreative" website and for some pages of
the Krita website. :)

(oh by the way, don't ask me for an html version of these, the addresses
at the top are obviously fake, these are images-only XD)

Rough concept for the main site: 
^ I'm not familiar with the other programs, sorry for the half-unfinished

Krita main page:
^ Clicking on the banner at the top would take you back to the general
page. The intro presents a not-too-long overview of some of Krita's key
features. The "Full list of Features" link takes you to the Features page.

Krita features page:
^ List of features + some screenshots.

Krita screenshots page:
^ Basically, I really like this feature in the Inkscape page. 

^ I think an easy-to-understand overview of some of the key features Krita
is pursuing is a good idea. This would be a good general guide for both
the developer, and the average user wondering if Krita is thinking of
implementing such or such (answer: yes, but it'd depend on developer
resource. Still, it's on the agenda)

More explanations:
^ More explanations on the different entries here. For example, it'd be
nice for Krita to have a "download" section in the Resource section
(probably a wiki), where people can contribute and download things such as
brushes, textures, plug-ins and whatnots, preferably with preview.

Well, that's about it. The images should be self-explanatory for the most
part. These are just proposals, though hopefully they'd give future Krita
web developers a couple of ideas. :)

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