A non-working TIFF example

Boudewijn Rempt boud at valdyas.org
Mon Jul 23 09:12:52 CEST 2007

On Friday 20 July 2007, Cyrille Berger wrote:

> It won't :( The noise you see is typical of a 16bit image opened with
> endianess problem.
> It's a known problem in fact, opening jpeg is also problematic. I think
> only the png filter works perfectly fine on PPC. So a solution could be to
> convert from tiff to png using the command-line convert (it should be
> lossless) and then open the resulting png in krita.
> I can't make any promise for better day of opening files on PPC.

Is this a problem with libtiff or libjpeg, or is it something we fail to do?

Boudewijn Rempt 
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