API problems with krita

Schleimer, Ben bensch128 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 24 23:13:47 CET 2007

Hey Boud,

> I'm not sure how other raster image applications
> handle this stuff: I could 
> image we could create a "KisChannel" paint device
> that returns iterators that 
> only give back one channel. I should look at how the
> Gimp implements its 
> channels, or ask pippin for good literature. Let's
> do that right away 
> anyway :-)

Um, I like it. Maybe have the ChannelIterator have
toUInt8, toUInt16, and toFloat accessors.

I did a brief google search and found these:

> On a similar topic: we're working in Krita 2.0 to
> make it possible to 
> composite one channel or a subset of the channels of
> a paint device and to 
> run filters on one channel or a subset of channels
> (that is already partially 
> possible, with the color adj. filters, but I want to
> make that generically 
> possible, so you could do a sharpen on just the L
> channel of an lab image, 
> say).

GIMP seems to have channel masks too.


"He who writes the code gets to choose his license, and nobody else gets to complain" - Linus Torvalds
IMHO, it should read - "He who writes the code gets to choose his license, and everybody else complains."

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