My experience usign Krita

Cyrille Berger cberger at
Thu Jan 4 13:05:25 CET 2007

Hi Sara,

> Tonemapping is on the todo for 2.0 as well: Cyrille Berger is the man who
> has it on his programme. I'm not sure whether he already knew about the
> links you give here, but I certainly didn't. Thanks!
Well no I didn't know those link, but they are front-end to pfstools which is 
an unvaluable ressource of ideas for tonemapping and hdr related stuff. 
Actually tonemapping was on my todo for 2.1, my first priority is the 
creation of HDR images from LDR bracketing (very selfish from me, I want to 
be able to have my own HDR images ;) )

> > 3.) Panoramas- I do this in photoshop with some plugins, but I found
> > about hugin that uses panorama tools and it does a decent job.
> > Currently creating a panoram in Krita is a manual and painfull process
> > kind of not worth doing that way. Lately I beign useing smartblen
> > which does a really nice job
> >
> Thanks again for the link. Having built-in panorama functionality is not on
> the todo, although it would be a good plugin project for an interested
> hacker. I've had one report of a user who liked editing the finished
> panoramas in Krita because only Krita could load his very wide images :-).
yes we are in a terrible need of an image allignement framework, it's usefull 
for creating panorama but also for allgining images when transforming LDR 
bracketing to HDR when the photograph didn't use a tripod) it was on my todo 
for 1.6, so it's still on my todo for 2.0. I have allready some code for 
this, but how good panorama creation in 2.0 will be compared to other tools 
is unknown.

Cyrille Berger

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