My experience usign Krita

Boudewijn Rempt boud at
Thu Jan 4 09:10:20 CET 2007

On Thursday 04 January 2007 01:11, you wrote:
> Hello,


(I've cc'ed my reply to the krita mailing list, so I haven't snipped any 

> I use Krita once in a while, but I never use it for a long time. I
> needed to work on my portfolio and decide to take Krita for a run.
> I am an architecture student and currently use photoshop to touch up
> my render or photos do photomontages and create my own .hdr images
> (CS2 is a hit am miss when it come to this)
> 1.) interface- I am not sure if I am doing this right, but once in
> while I convert the images into  Lab and the I separate them so that I
> can apply adjustment layer to only the L channel which seem to work
> fine the only problem is that the adjustment layer appears on top of
> it. I tried doing adjustment to the other channels just to see what
> happened and they appear above the channel. shouldn't they be nested
> under the channel where the adjustment was made.So insted of  (I've
> attached a pic of how it currently looks)
> Adjustment Layer (This was made under the L channel)
> L
> a
> b
> it should be
> -L
> ---Adjustment Layer
> -a
> -b
>  Theother things is that sometime I would like to apply the sharpen
> filter on only this channel which does not seems to be possible.

Yes, this is something that we will improve in Krita 2.0. We had a long 
discussion about where adjustment layers belonged -- as filters embedded in 
the layer stack, or as masks + filter per layer. I was thinking the latter 
would be more useful, but others wanted the former. In 2.0, we'll have both.

Additionally, we're working on making all filters and all composition work on 
a selectable subset of channels -- so you can set a filter to work on a and 
b, and composition on L and a, for instance.

> 2.) .hdr and OpenEXR- I this point in time the only thing I can do
> with Krita is open and exr image and convert it to a jpg or tiff. I
> don't know if you are planning on improving this inside krita, but if
> I am in linux I currently use Qtpfsgui  to create and do my
> tonemapping. this is based on Qt 4
> and even works in windows and is gpl, it is a very nice program(
> alittle bit slow), but I would like to have the ability to do this
> inside Krita with hdr and exr. There is also another Qt based tool,
> but I never tried it

Tonemapping is on the todo for 2.0 as well: Cyrille Berger is the man who has 
it on his programme. I'm not sure whether he already knew about the links you 
give here, but I certainly didn't. Thanks!

> 3.) Panoramas- I do this in photoshop with some plugins, but I found
> about hugin that uses panorama tools and it does a decent job.
> Currently creating a panoram in Krita is a manual and painfull process
> kind of not worth doing that way. Lately I beign useing smartblen
> which does a really nice job

Thanks again for the link. Having built-in panorama functionality is not on 
the todo, although it would be a good plugin project for an interested 
hacker. I've had one report of a user who liked editing the finished 
panoramas in Krita because only Krita could load his very wide images :-).

> 4.) Photomontages- Ok so this is a pain anywhere, but this are just
> ideas of things I saw at siggraph or other gpl programs I found here
> and there.
> drag and drop pasting
>asting.html This other tools is great if you get it to compile and its gpl

Interesting links -- but I'm not sure whether we'll have time to implement 
stuff like this for 2.0. Our todo is already somewhat large:

> siox

There is the beginning of a siox plugin for Krita, but unfortunately Michael 
Thaler, who was working on it, got really busy with his new job after 
completing his Phd.

> This has nothing to do with what I do for work, but it would be nice
> if Krita could do this

Ha, yes -- I know about MoXi. For 2.0 at least, I've got the beginnings of a 
semi-decent Chinese brush simulation already.

> This brings me to a big problem when working with graphics outside of
> the command line tools in Linux sometimes I create my own hdr
> panoramas and then I create my photmontages using krita.  I would like
> to do all this inside Krita.
> Ok , so you kgiht notice that this things are more specilized things
> that even photoshop is learning to do (CS3 is supposed to improve its
> hdr tools). You are doing a great job and Krita is moving in laps and
> bounds everytime a new version comes out I am amazed at the pace of
> development. I can pretty much do everything else I need, but I must
> say that compare to photoshop and the gimp it is a little slow.  I
> know that this is alot but it is at least something to consider for
> the future maybe someday Krita would be able to do all this and more.
> Again thanks for the great job you guys are doing.

Thanks for your mail & for the links! We're working on performance, too :-).

Boudewijn Rempt
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