What do you think of the "Pixel image editor"?

Schleimer, Ben bensch128 at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 8 09:45:27 CEST 2007

> I wanted to point you out to an existence of the "Pixel image editor",
> which might have some interesting features for you to borrow for your
> upcoming Krita 2.0 series.

Looks very nice. Couldn't tell if the developer is using Qt for his cross-platform development or
something else. Looks nice from the screenshots though.

> What's to consider interesting and what not - I'll leave up to you,
> but one thing that I liked about Pixel, is that I can have virtual
> desktops *inside* the program (like a desktop pager of KDE) - you may
> think it's redundant, but I liked it - I'm sure you will find much
> more interesting stuff, that will inspire you writing the next-gen of
> Krita :)

This is extremely weird. Why didn't the developer use standard MDI and modeless dialogs instead of
building a complex pager system? It's like using emacs for your complete desktop system.

To the devs, why is MDI so bad again? Was it the previous KMDI framework or is there something
fundementally broken with the interface?

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