HDR plan in krita

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Sun Nov 26 20:39:25 CET 2006

Hi Kai-Uwe,

> you mention ICC colour management in CinePaint for HDR. It is a display
> only corretion. Colour conversion is still missing.

Oh sorry, I guess I saw your code on the transformation between openexr's 
chromatics and icc color profile, and I did extrapolate with my reading on 
adobe after effects, I will correct the wiki page.

> My thoughts for Oyranos goes about a cmm framework. A cmm supporting a
> floating point ICC workflow would be a wonderful benefit for many
> applications.

well it's my understanding that lcms support floating point, but it's really 
unclear to me what happen for bit depth > 16. I think that I saw a marti 
maria mail somewhere that said using 32bits floating point data with lcms 
would caused a lost of data.

--- Cyrille Berger ---

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