Floating point color in Krita

Mikhail Lyossin mlesin at gmail.com
Fri Nov 17 17:44:53 CET 2006

On 11/17/06, Casper Boemann <cbr at boemann.dk> wrote:
> >  * But I was surprised when I see that numbers in color selector are
> still
> > like I work with 8-bit image, i.e. integer 0-255 range, without any
> ability
> > to move out of that range...
> > I was expected to see there something like 0.0-1.0 floating point range,
> > with ability to set values more then that, like 2.50, 3.12, 10.85 etc..
> Is
> > that planned to change in a future releases?
> Well kind of and no
> In 2.0 I'm working on a new color selector, but my first choice was to
> stick
> with 0-255. I do follow what you mean however.
> There is a good chance 2.0 will have this functionality - now that I know.

I think floating color representation is the best choice for all modes, even
if you work within 8bit or 16bit integer, the same color will have the same
numbers for the user. For example, pure red would always be <1.0,0.0,0.0>,
no matter of what mode you are using. As the other plus is it's much better
fit's artist mind that white is 1.0 and grey is 0.5 then some magic numbers
like 255 or 65535.

> >  * Also, some susggestions about tonemapping (exposure and gamma
> control) -
> > It should apply to every color we see in Krita, at least for every color
> > that interacts with the image is beeing edited. For example, if I paint
> > something in out-of-the-range region (like in 2.0-4.0), I prefer to set
> > exposure to -2..-3 f-stops, and I expect exposure to be applied not only
> in
> > the main image area, but also in color selector area, in all plugins
> > preview areas and so on.
> Yeah naturally. I actually thought the previews already did that.

For example, blur preview in 1.6 don't, at least for me.
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