Krita status & todo

Boudewijn Rempt boud at
Thu Nov 16 21:21:49 CET 2006


As you've seen, I've just managed to port the first tool to the KOffice-wide 
KoTool architecture (which in turn is heavily based on Krita's tool 
architecture, but has also been heavily modified and adapted to Qt4 and the 
needs of other koffice apps). Therefore, it's time for an update & and a list 
of Things That Need to be Done:

* All our other tools need to be ported. That implies the following: getting 
rid of all references to m_subject and KisCanvasController (replacing them by 
m_canvas, m_currentImage and the stuff we get from the 
KoCanvasResourceProvicer), moving all painting to the paintEvent (which may 
force us to keep a datastructure to keep track of things like temporary lines 
and so), fixing the tools to use points internally instead of pixels.

* reinstate all the fringe benefits of KisView: the dockers (doing it the way 
Peter Simonssen did it for Kivio), the box with the brushes, patterns etc, 
and all the menu options. 

* Fix kotoolmanager to do the tooloption docker in the right way; also 
implement the code that detects and enumerates the pointer devices.

* Investigate the best way to update the canvas for the freehand tools & 
investigate how to do a  brush-shaped sprite on the canvas (nick code from 

* implement zooming and image resolution. Figure out how to square that with 
the koffice-wide points system.

* Re-instate the view plugins.

* Create a shape-based layer hierarchy for Krita.

I'm now going to paste this in to Krita's wiki page ( and I'm 
going to fix kisview to its former glory; after that I want to tackle 
KoToolManager. If people would like to port a tool or two, I wouldn't say no, 
and I'm here and on irc to give advice about that. 

Boudewijn Rempt
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