Krita, Ruby and Slackware
Jusa Ojanperä
jusa.ojanpera at
Fri May 12 09:12:57 CEST 2006
John R. Culleton kirjoitti viestissään (lähetysaika torstai 11 toukokuu 2006
> I have never had much luck with Krita on my Slackware Linux
> system. Today I was playing with it once again and I got the
> message "unknown interpreter: Ruby." A little googling around
> showed that Slack doesn't have Ruby. So I downloaded Rubby and
> did the usual ./configure, make, make test and make install routine.
> Unfortuntely Krita still doesn't find Ruby. But if I put
> ruby --help
> n a command line it executes OK.
> Do I have to reboot? Recompile Krita? What?
I am running Slackware current with KDE 3.5.2 and Koffice 1.5 compiled from
source. As Boudewijn said Slackware does not split packages into devel and
runtime and does not have ruby installed by default so I have installed it
from source also.
When you install ruby using configure, make, make install it gets installed
to /usr/local, unless you use different --prefix when installing, and if I
remember correctly (been years since I have actually installed Slackware,
been using swaret ( to upgrade) /etc/
does not have /usr/local/lib in it by default. You could try
adding /usr/local/lib to /etc/ so that linker finds ruby, running
ldconfig and then try to compile Krita/Koffice again. Oh, and when
configuring Krita/Koffice look if it founds ruby.
Of course if you already know all this and tried it, then I can not help you
any further. :)
PS. Thank you to all Krita developers, keep up the good work, 1.5 is great!
PS2. If I am talking complite nonsense it is only because I just woke up. :)
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