Krita crash

Adrian Page adrian at
Mon Mar 6 00:48:26 CET 2006

John R. Culleton wrote:
> On Sunday 05 March 2006 18:17, Gary Cramblitt wrote:
>> I can't reproduce this one on demand.  As I recall, I had created a new
>> "regular" layer, and then removed it.  Crash.
> For me Krita crashes with sufficient frequency that I have
> stopped working with it. I find Gimp much more stable and
> Inkscape at least somewhat more stable. There are some unique
> features that I like. But the crashes are a deal breaker. 
> I am waiting for the next iteration. If it still crashes I will put it 
> on the shelf also. 

You can help krita to become more stable by entering bug reports at Crashes always have a high priority, but if we 
don't know about them, it's unlikely they'll get fixed.


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