New document settings

Sander Koning sanderkoning at
Sat Jan 21 20:06:09 CET 2006


Some interface issues again:

- In the New document dialog, the document sizes available by default differ
  widely. For RGB, 8 options are available (640x480 up to 1600x1200, with both
  transparent and white background). For CMYK, only one size is available,
  2000x800 (huge!). Grayscale also has one size, 640x480. Custom documents have
  a default size of 200x200 (small!).

- The Empty document option simply returns "Could not open". 

- A minor issue, but if it's possible to fix, please do: when creating a
  Watercolor image, the default brush is still a pixel brush and the color
  palette is still showing RGB, these defaults lead to less desirable results
  when painting (XOR painting artifacts, etc.)


Sander Koning                       |   sanderkoning - at - kde -.- nl
Documentation coordinator, KDE-NL   |
Documentation maintainer, Krita     |

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