student research project and krita

Bart Coppens kde at
Thu Feb 23 16:31:36 CET 2006

> I have to do some kind of research project/seminal paper for university
> (Studienarbeit in german) and I thought maybe I can use this to get into
> krita development if I can find a suitable subject.

> The subject should have to do with image
> processing and be of some theoretical/research interest otherwise it
> probably won't get accepted. This is not a thesis so it doesn't have to be
> something completely new but some new aspects (to some other research
> project/paper) would be nice to have.
Well basically we're happy with anything you'd do :-) Of course, something 
that has to do with painting would be fun, but it's not like we're picky.

What kind of image processing would you be interested in? Like removing 
artefacts and so, or more like 'render a firestorm' kind of thing? For the 
removing of artefacts, we use some cool research code for the CImg filter 
(very slow, but cool results).

Bart Coppens

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