Color manipulation functions in kdelibs?

Cyrille Berger cberger at
Wed Dec 13 00:06:44 CET 2006

On Tue, Dec 12, 2006, Casper Boemann wrote:
> okular and image viewers should want colormanagement. Pigment has been 
> promoted from krita to all of koffice for just that reason: color management
I think they are mostly interested in the rendering of color, a much
smaller library than pigment just concentring on color transformation
and hidding lcms to a more userfriendly API seems a better idea to me.

> > Do you not expect Pigment to have settled down by the time KDE4 is
> > released?
> maybe but i doubt in time for kdelibs freeze
The problem is adding feature, pigment is centered around a purely
abstract class, full of a virtual function. Once we are in API/ABI
freeze, we can't easily add new function, unless using weird stuff like
virtual_hooks. So freezing that class might prevent us to develop krita the way we want it. While one objectif of krita 2.x is API/ABI stability, I don't think we can achive it before 2.1 or 2.2 which are far away.

Cyrille Berger

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