The future of selections and masks in Krita

Casper Boemann cbr at
Tue Aug 1 01:00:57 CEST 2006

On Tuesday 01 August 2006 00:31, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
[ a whole lot :) ]

Anyway I want a clean slate so here goes:
We basically agree on a lot although it doesn't seem so.

What is wrong with your idea is basically that you call it selection where 
calling it a mask is a better word. 

What you call masks (and adjustment layer with a selection) I just call an 
adjustmentlayer with a mask.

Now that takes care of all the confusion of several selections.

A selection is what the edit menu operates on and that needs to be well 
specified, or the whole desktop metafor breaks. If you call everything a 
selection I would expect cut to practically remove my entire image.

When you have regions of selection in kspread they all get copied when you do 
do a copy. That is very different from what you are proposing. I also noticed 
that you didn't seem to have an answer for selecting in a selection.

So if you have made a selection and want to preserve it for later (5min or 
during a file save) just convert it into a mask.

Your entire idea can still be done - just call it masks instead I even fully 
support with that - because that is what I want too - see I told you we 
agree :)

but don't call it selection because it aint - you are not selecting anything - 
(in the edit menu way of defining the word selection - which user shoul be 
able to rely on)

best regards / venlig hilsen
Casper Boemann

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