
Leonardo Giordani leonardo.giordani at
Thu Apr 6 11:46:04 CEST 2006

Hi all,

I spent last 2 weeks chasing a bug in my watercolors and finally today I 
solved it. I'm not sure how, but this is matter for another discussion ;-)

I want to ask advices about debugging: how do you debug it? I was using the 
most primitive form of debugging, inserting printf() to show values, but I'm 
sure there is something better.

Can Krita be run under gdb/ddd? How can I activate the "-g" option and 
deactivate "-O"?

What are the debugging facilities of KDE/Qt?

I currently do not use KDevelop, mostly because I always forget to download 
the packages to install it (I have no Internet acces at home): does it have a 
connection with gdb?

Today my brush painted watercolors for the first time. It was exciting. Colors 
were wrong, horrible and with some strange pixel here and there, but after 2 
weeks of "nan" values it is a big victory. :-)

Leonardo Giordani

Tele-Rilevamento Europa - T.R.E. s.r.l.
a POLIMI spin-off company
Via Vittoria Colonna, 7
20149 Milano - Italia
tel.: +39.02.4343.121
fax: +39.02.4343.1230
e-mail: leonardo.giordani (at)

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