Substrate implementation proposal

Bart Coppens kde at
Tue Apr 4 13:34:33 CEST 2006

On Tuesday 04 April 2006 13:06, BERGER Cyrille wrote:
> convolution don't need x,y <0 or x,y > width,height, or this mean
> there is a bug :) And, I think we should have a clear convention
> (maybe there is allready one I have missed? I tend to be unaware of
> those things ;) ) on choosing between unsigned or signed for x,y and
> width and height.
I was more thinking of something for 'default tiles' instead of pixels in 
combination with
    BORDER_DEFAULT_FILL = 0, // Use the default pixel to make up for the 
missing pixels on the border or the pixel that lies beyond

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