rotation order

Sander Koning sanderkoning at
Sun Sep 18 14:10:05 CEST 2005

Sander Koning wrote on 2005-09-18 13:53 +0200 regarding Re: rotation order:
> My suggestion is to either change to right-hand rotation (i.e. 90° = 90 CW, 270°
> = 90 CCW)

Okay... CORRECTION... that's what you get when rewriting sentences four times,
you lose track ;)

This should read:

My suggestion is to either change to right-hand rotation (i.e. 90° = 90 CCW, 270°
= 90 CW)

Sander Koning                       |   sanderkoning - at - kde -.- nl
Documentation coordinator, KDE-NL   |   Documentation maintainer, Krita                  |

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