Easy layer access for rgb8 filters.

Michael Thaler michael.thaler at physik.tu-muenchen.de
Mon Jan 17 13:25:08 CET 2005

On Monday 17 January 2005 12:44, you wrote:

> How hard would it be to keep track of the exact extent of a layer? I.e., in
> the border tiles figure out what left-most, top-most, bottom-most and
> right-most pixels are?

Maybe we should not keep track of the exact extent of a layer, if it makes 
everything much more complicated?

In the case you load an image, I imagine that the layer has either the size 
of the image or the size of the tiles that cover the image (the second on is 
bigger). If you move the image, the extent of the layer should not change, it 
should only be at a different position. If you paint outside the layer, the 
layer should automatically crow to the new extent (I suppose the new size 
should just be the size of the smallest rectangle that covers all the pixels 
or the size of the smallest rectangle arround all the tiles that cover the 

I had a problem in the beginning with not being able to get the exact width 
and height of an image. But the more I think about it, the more I think it is 
ok to just get the size of the smallest rectangle around all the tiles that 
cover the image. Getting the exact extent would be better, but if that makes 
everything much more complicated and even slower, then we shouldn't do it.


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