Autolayer merge done

Sven Langkamp longamp at
Sat Jan 15 21:29:42 CET 2005

On Saturday 15 January 2005 20:32, Michael Thaler wrote:
> On Saturday 15 January 2005 20:17, Sven Langkamp wrote:
> > At the moment extent() returns the width and height of a tile. Shouldn't
> > that be the width and height of the paintdevice?
> I don't think that it returns the size of a tile. I did the following:
> void KisFilterInvert::process(KisPaintDeviceSP src, KisPaintDeviceSP dst,
> KisFilterConfiguration* /*config*/, const QRect& rect, KisTileCommand* ktc)
> {
>  Q_INT32 x, y, w, h;
>         src->extent(x,y,w,h);
>         kdDebug() << "x: " << x << " y:" << y << " w:" << w << " h:" << h
> << "\n";
> ...
> }
> Opening a 1600 x 1200 image gives:
> krita: x: 0 y:0 w:1600 h:1216
> Opening a 692 x 689 image gives:
> krita: x: 0 y:0 w:704 h:704
Try to open a new image than you will get 64x64.

The problem is: When you create a new image, there is only one tile and the 
datamanager will create more if you paint something.
I currently using the new iterators and extent in the gradient painter. Before 
start painting the gradient, I get height and width. As there is only one 
tile in the image, the resulting gradient is only as big as the tile.

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