Decrement operator for KisTiledHLineIterator

Bart Coppens kde at
Sun Apr 17 13:47:21 CEST 2005

On Sunday 17 April 2005 13:44, Bart Coppens wrote:
> Ah, I hadn't thought of that, probably that is indeed the problem. I start
> the iterator at some x,y coordinates, and then I move left until x = 0 or
> the color difference is too big. Then what I would need is something that
> lets the iterator be valid from (0,y) to (width,y), while I still can
> "start" it from a random (x,y) position.
Ah, while looking at the code, I thought of a simple sollution: just 
initialize the iterator at (0,y), and then skip to the right place with 
operator+=(int) :-)

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