Select-by-color range and .isSelected()

Casper Boemann cbr at
Fri Apr 1 14:36:52 CEST 2005

On Friday 01 April 2005 13:55, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:

> Selection is not an on/off binary value, but a range. The isSelected()
> method returns a boolean to the filters, and that's the first place where
> we go wrong.
Yes. Perhabs we should change the method to selectedness().

Also how about always assuming selection to be an 8 bit value. I think that 
should be enough even in the future. That would make it easier to work with 
so we don't have to go through a colorstrategy regarding selectedness 
(eventhough the selection paintdevice should have the mask strategy attached 
as now)

> It's not clear to me how we should handle a 50% selected 
> pixel, either.
No, that is something I have puzzeled with too. For cutting I think we should 
manipulate the src and dst pixels according to selectedness.

> Desaturate is easy: just halve the saturation in the hsv representation of
> a pixel. But oilpaint? Sharpen? What would be the meaning of 69% selected
> there? Blit the sharpened pixel with 69% opacity over its original?
yes over 31% original

In fact. for the moment I think we should just do what seems best in each 
case. Later on when we can always change to a more total solution if we need 

best regards / venlig hilsen
Casper Boemann

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