I'm feeling dim...

Sven Langkamp longamp at reallygood.de
Thu Sep 9 21:51:15 CEST 2004

Boudewijn Rempt wrote:

>On Thursday 09 September 2004 21:17, Sven Langkamp wrote:
>>Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
>>>But for the life of me I don't understand the following:
>>>given a method KisPainter::bitBlt(..., KisPaintDeviceSP dev,...);
>>>and a
>>>KisPaintDeviceSP dev = new KisLayer();
>>>why do I have to do
>>>bitBlt(..., dev.data(), ...); ?
>>>I know it works, but it looks wrong, and besides, I cannot figure out
>>>whose method data() is -- it looks like it comes from the shared pointer
>>>wrapper, but I cannot find it there.
>>Inherited from KisPaintDevice.
>But that's what I don't get -- normally, you use -> to get
>the methods of the shared pointered object, so . should point to
>the shared pointer wrapper. And KisPaintDevice::data() gives a
>tile manager back, not a KisPaintDevice -- which is the type of
>the parameter.
I was wrong. KSharedPointer.data() returns the pointer it contains which 
is in this case the KisPaintDevice pointer.

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