krita and gegl

Wolfgang Mader Wolfgang_Mader at
Sat Aug 14 12:17:06 CEST 2004

> On Saturday 14 August 2004 03:32, you wrote: 
> > I have found krita and since the gimp developers are putting the 
> functions 
> > of gimp in a library ( I wondered if one of you 
> > thinking about integrating the features this library will offer to you 
> > into krita.  
> No, because: 
> * Gegl uses glib's g_object stuff which I really, really hate to work 
> with. 
> * There is no C++ wrapper for Gegl, and I prefer spending time on 
> improving Krita instead of writing C++ wrappers for other people's  
Yes I have also warried about this point. 
> * If we used Gegl, we wouldn't have to do any of the real fun parts 
> ourselves. 
OK - I hate doing things twice, but there is no argument to use existing 
code if you are doing it because of fun... :-) 
> > Please cc me, I am offlist. 
> Why? Why no subscription? It's free, and easily filtered. 
I will do as I have access to my computer (there are 250km between me and 
the computer :-)) 
Thanks for you answer 

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