krita and gegl
Wolfgang Mader
Wolfgang_Mader at
Sat Aug 14 03:32:39 CEST 2004
I want to have the functions of gimp nicely integrated in kde using a
native qt frontend. Till now I didn't find anything so I thought I have to
write it on my own. This is much more difficult because till now I am not
able to write c++. But now to the point.
I have found krita and since the gimp developers are putting the functions
of gimp in a library ( I wondered if one of you is
thinking about integrating the features this library will offer to you
into krita. If not, could krita be a starting point for me wo write a gimp
frontend on my own or is krita not desigend to integrate external libs (I
think this should be no problem since you are using two external libs).
Please cc me, I am offlist.
Thanks you for your answer.
Cheers Wolfgang Mader
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