Fwd: Re: Need user feedback - PPC issues

Shawn Gordon shawn@thekompany.com
Fri, 02 Feb 2001 13:32:51 -0800

>X-Sender: jgrantha@mail.hannover.sgh-net.de
>Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2001 22:22:29 +0100
>To: Shawn Gordon <shawn@thekompany.com>, John L Grantham <john@grantham.com>
>From: John L Grantham <john@grantham.com>
>Subject: Re: Need user feedback - PPC issues
>Cc: jcaliff@compuzone.net
>Hi John, hi Shawn (hey! I made a rhyme!),
>At 12:48 pm -0800 2/2/01, Shawn Gordon wrote:
>>Thanks, I forwarded it on.  I know he would love to have as much feedback 
>>as you are willing to give, I would check out 
>>http://www.koffice.org/kimageshop/ and just subscribe to the kimageshop 
>>list (old name for Krayon) and go to town.  Califf has been desperate for 
>>feedback.  You might be able to get it built exactly how you want :)
>Well, feature number one is...where the hell's Undo/Redo? ;-)
>While we're on the subject, one of Photoshop's biggest advantages is the 
>History palette. Basically you can have unlimited Undos with that palette 
>-- the palette has a list of all commands done since opening the file, and 
>you just click on one, and the image jumps back to that state. That's very 
>I'll admit I don't have the slightest clue if this is possible under X, 
>but real monitor color calibration would kick a*s, with both RGB and CMYK 
>colorspaces, including (for example) Pantone, Toyo, HKS and other color 
>definitions (of course also with HTML/Web colors, HLS, HSV, Lab and plain RGB).
>Also, a full-screen color sampling tool would be nice. On the Mac, for 
>example, when you have the color chooser window open, you can option-click 
>on any point on the screen to sample and choose that color. Works in most 
>any program on the Mac, and is *extremely* handy for me as a web designer.
>(Does it do GIF...? I didn't notice for sure...I know about the Lempel-Ziv 
>problems, but it's kinda whacked not having a Linux program to make GIFs...)
>Importing Photoshop docs (*with* text and adjustment layers, along with 
>masks, intact) would be a BIG bonus. GIMP kinda does this already, but not 
>entirely cleanly.
>Isn't there a text tool? Am I blind?
>As for the buttons "Brushes", "Gradients" etc. in the Krayon Box, I'd 
>strongly recommend two things: one, use a different font (it's nearly 
>illegible), making them into static bitmaps if need be; and make them into 
>tabs, not buttons (there is no logical connection between the two at the 
>moment -- buttons and the palette underneath).
>The palettes should also have some way to collapse them to differing 
>amounts of information -- for example, the colorspace palette should be 
>able to shrink to just RGB (if the pic is in RGB mode), just greyscale (if 
>in greyscale or duplex) and so on.
>An Information palette would also be nice: one that shows the current XY 
>coordinates of the cursor, size of current selection, etc. Also, an 
>Options palette should be there for whatever the current tool is (to set 
>feathering, anti-aliasing, color fill, etc. as applicable).
>Of course, drag and drop up the yin-yang should be in there, too. :-) 
>Especially if one could drag and drop from, say, KIllustrator to Krayon 
>and have vectors bitmapped (and anti-aliased) nicely.
>Hmm, also import/export of PostScript and EPS files...maybe PDF as well...
>Well, now that I've bombarded you to smithereens with Mac user 
>fantasies...hope that isn't too much at once, but those were a bunch of 
>spontaneous reactions. More where that came from, if you want it. :-)
>John Grantham   | Dipl.-Designer (FH)
>                 | Homepage       http://design.macnews.de/
>                 | Linux for PPC  http://www.maclinux.de/
>Web Designer    | AGD Member     http://www.agd.de/