[Kget] Re: Compilation problem (libktorrent issue)

Lukas Appelhans l.appelhans at gmx.de
Sun Oct 17 19:14:33 CEST 2010

Am Sonntag 17 Oktober 2010, 18:57:08 schrieb Andras Mantia:
> Hi,
>  right now kdenetwork trunk fails to compile for me because of kget's
> bittorrent plugin. The problem seems to be that I have linktorrent
> installed from extragear trunk. This is used by kget, but compilation
> fails because some symbols are not present in libktorrent. Eg:
> bt::ChunkSelectorFactoryInterface. As I see kget has a copy (libbtcore),
> but even if I set the cmake files and the include statement to use the
> copy, it fails. It still uses the installed libktorrent, because eg.
> there is no "udp" directory in the copy. This mixing of the libs of
> course will result in errors.
>  I see that the bittorrent plugin is conditionally included only if
> libktorrent is found. So kget needs to be fixed to either:
> 1) use libktorrent and only libktorrent, and getting rid of libbtcore
> 2) use libbtcore, which can be a patched copy of libktorrent (if for
> some reason it needs features not accepted in the main lib), but in that
> case it should use everything from there, so the libbtcore needs to be a
> complete copy of libktorrent + patches. And you need to make sure
> include statements from other file include the headers from the copy and
> not from the installed libktorrent files.
> I tried to fix this issue, but I'm not familiar with the code, so I
> rather not mess around with blidnly copying files from here and there
> just to make it compile.

Since the last stable release of KDE KGet already uses libktorrent only! 
libbtcore is the former name of libktorrent btw...

I know of this compilation since today, the problem are SIC changes in 

After all what would fix it would be version-checks, but that is not provided 
by libktorrent yet... I plan to do this since some time already, but really 
never found the time etc... (if you are motivated to do it, go for it of 
course!)... this way we could support all different libktorrent versions...

> Andras

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