[Kget] KGet Runner

Tomas Van Verrewegen tomasvanverrewegen at telenet.be
Thu Oct 1 23:26:55 CEST 2009


First: I hope you'll be feeling better soon.

The .service file is only there to start KGet, it isn't used for the actual 
communication. So that doesn't explain your problem.

In "callFinished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher* call)" I am ignoring any timeout 
errors because otherwise you would also get a timeout if you keep the "New 
Download" dialog open for too long, and when we reach this code, we're sure 
KGet is up and running anyway.

Nevertheless... between the call to "run()" and "showNewTransferDialog()", it 
is possible some other process might screw up our call. I've seen this happen 
here when nepomuk hogs the CPU...

You could try losing the ckeck for

    reply.error().type() != QDBusError::NoReply

in "callFinished()" and see what happens... At least you'll get an error 
message if that's what is happening.

This has been bugging me for a while, but for now I don't have a better 
solution. The only thing I can think of to prevent this, is changing the 
"showNewTransferDialog()" workflow in "newtransferdialog.cpp" so the dialog 
gets exec'ed asynchronously.

Yours, Tomas

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