[Kget] idea about content fetching plugin

Lukas Appelhans l.appelhans at gmx.de
Fri Mar 28 13:00:10 CET 2008

Am Donnerstag, 27. März 2008 20:54:27 schrieb Ningyu Shi:
> Hi everybody,
> I've read some tutorial of Kross and find it really powerful. Here is
> my rough idea of the content fetching plugin.
Cool :)
> I'll create a dummy transfer plugin which takes the URL and the kind
> of user script to use. Then the url and transfergroup info and the
> script to use will be exposed to user through kcross. The script will
> run through kross on a seperate thread which will not block the main
> program (The fetching script may take a long time to analyze stuff and
> have multiple URLs to output).  we can ask the user use the dbus
> interface to add download to specific group. To be able to control
> parameters like how many threads to be used for a single download
> session, we need add more options to the dbus interface. But if we do
> this way, the way to add downloads with various options will be
> determined by the script not the users which will be a problem. A
> possible solution is to let the dbus interface only collect the urls
> but not really add them right now, then ask the user to determine the
> way the downloads should be treated.
> I'm not sure the above idea will work for the current transfer-plugin
> API, since I've no idea about it now... Any comments/suggestions are
> welcome.
Mmh I'm perhaps a bit tired, but will try to answer:
I would do it mostly as you, but:
-we should know what script is for what website to accept downloads of 
-for the content we should use another existing transfer-plugin, so if we have 
parsed the script output, we would do KGet::addTransfer(url, dest);

The threads per downloads are controlled by the multisegkio plugin then...

> Regards

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