[Kget] some newbie question

Manolo Valdes nolis71cu at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 22:09:34 CET 2008

Hi Guys

yesterday on my last commit i put on the message:


and this should close the bug as fixed but i got the following reply:

User 55204 doesn't have permission to close/reopen bugs.

seems that i cant close bugs. so what i have to do?

and other question. to make a backport on the kde4 branch as uwolfer did in 
this case. what do i have to do? do i need a local svn copy of the kde4 
brach. or there is an svn command to do it from my trunk copy? merge may be?

thanks in advance

Adoración es el avivamiento de la conciencia por la Santidad de Dios; es el 
alimentar la mente con la verdad de Dios; es purificar la imaginación con la 
belleza de Dios; es abrir el corazón al amor de Dios; y es dedicar la 
voluntad al proposito de Dios.
worship is the revival of the concience for God's hollyness; is to feed the 
mind with the truth of God; is to purify the imagination with the beauty of 
God; is to open the heart to the love of God; and to dedicate your will to 
the purpose of God.

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