Looking for co-mentors for a GSoC Dolphin/KIO project

Elvis Angelaccio elvis.angelaccio at kde.org
Sun Jan 8 18:48:49 GMT 2017

Hi David and everyone,
GSoC 2017 is near and it's time to discuss project ideas.
This year I want to tackle one of the biggest problems in Dolphin:
lack of polkit support. Dolphin users often don't know how to use the
command line, so when they have to move root-owned files around they
are forced to start Dolphin with root permissions, which is bad and

GSoC is a great opportunity and I'm confident we can find an awesome
student who will fix this. :)

I started a draft of the project idea in [1] and I'm looking for
co-mentors and feedback.
In particular @David:
1) Am I right to claim that KAuth support needs to go only in the file
protocol? i.e. basically refactor into KAuth actions the parts of
file.cpp and file_unix.cpp where the actual interaction with the
filesystem happens.
2) Is this even possible from a techical point of view? Or maybe KAuth
and ioslaves don't play well together?

You should be able to edit the shared document, I hope. Please let me
know if that's not the case.


[1]: https://share.kde.org/index.php/s/bRBrrkOkuSCbkhT

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