Using the KVersionControlPlugin in Dolphin.

Stef Bon stefbon at
Sat Nov 28 19:52:15 GMT 2015


I've build a backup service providing a backup service and version
management: for an user it's very easy to browse the backup and
versions of a file, as well as access them.


It's using btrfs to manage backup and snapshots, sqlite to administer
the differences between snapshots and fuse to provide easy access to
the backup and the available versions of files.

I want to create a plugin for dolphin, and found the
KVersionControlPlugin, which is used for git and svn. This is not
usable I'm afraid for backups and providing easy access to versions,
it's more for syncing with a remote server, and see what the
differences are.

In my case it's a local service, with for certain folders a backup
available (configured by the yuser of course) and for every file in
those folders versions available (if a backup is made yet).
I want to make it possible that the user can rightclick (when
righthanded) on a file, then an option in the context menu is
available to show the versions of a file. When selected Dolphin should
expand the file with every version.

Maybe a backup api is neccesary?

Stef Bon

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