Dolphin Bug 148550 "Add Case Sensitive Sorting" Bugfix

Arnav Dhamija arnav.dhamija at
Mon Dec 21 16:00:43 GMT 2015

Hi everyone, I have fixed bug 148550 
<> for implementing case 
sensitive sorting in Dolphin. With my patch, "Case Sensitive Sorting" 
appears as a checkable option under General Settings. I implemented this 
by changing the state of the m_collator to Case::Sensitive or 
Case::Insensitive depending on the selection by the user.

However I have made a few observations of the results:
1) Toggling the Natural Sorting or the Case Sensitive Sorting checkbox 
in General Settings will not update the sorting of the files in a 
directory until Dolphin is restarted (I guess this is a bug?).
2) If Natural Sorting AND Case Sensitive Sorting are enabled together, 
Dolphin will sort the files in Natural Sorting using Case *Insensitive* 
mode. This is probably a bug on my part - so I would be glad to have a 
more experienced programmer take a look at it.

After some thinking, if Case Sensitive Sorting and Natural Sorting 
cannot play well together, we can reorganise the General Settings option 
menu as follows:

<CheckBox>Enable Extra Sorting Features
         <RadioButton>Natural Sorting
         <RadioButton>Case Sensitive Sorting

Also, being new to open source development, I do not know how to submit 
my patch. Some guidance and feedback in this domain will be much 

Sincerely yours
arnav dhamija
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