[KDE Usability] Review Request 109015: Cleanup Places Panel context menus

Kai Uwe Broulik kde at privat.broulik.de
Fri Dec 18 10:24:27 GMT 2015

> On Dez. 15, 2015, 9:51 nachm., Kai Uwe Broulik wrote:
> > Ping
> > 
> > Can we re-evaluate this, please? Right-clicking in the otherwise beautiful Dolphin makes me cringe even more nowadays.
> Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
>     Are there any open questions for the usability side?
> Emmanuel Pescosta wrote:
>     > Can we re-evaluate this, please?
>     Yes for sure :)
>     Let us summarize the discussion a little bit:
>     1. Removing the device name in all the entries (Frank)
>     2. It might not be obvious that these options exist at all if the Panel is "almost full" (Christoph)
>     3. I think clicking the section headings would still be okay (Thomas)
>     4. Big "usability diff" between the Places Panel and KFilePlacesView (Frank)
>     5. Dolphin placesview should replace current placeview in frameworks (Àlex)
>     I agree with 1, maybe we should also remove the context menu header from the patched version?
>     2 and 3 are valid points, maybe we should add an info dialog, that hidden places can still be shown
>     via rightclick on the section headings or empty panel + show hidden places, when the user hides a place 
>     for the first time.
>     4 should be easy to fix ;)
>     About 5: I don't think that merging our places panel code into frameworks makes sense, because the places panel
>     uses Dolphin's own item model.
> Kai Uwe Broulik wrote:
>     Thomas has told me many times that headings in context menus are bad, so yes, I'll remove them. :)
>     Good idea, Emmanuel, I like that a lot, perhaps we can use the message widget at the top of the view to say "You can show hidden Places by right clicking the headings or an empty area in the Places panel.", Thomas, I'm open for suggestions about better wording.
>     4 should be easy but in the kdelibs discussion there were even more concerns than in this RR...
> Emmanuel Pescosta wrote:
>     > 4 should be easy but in the kdelibs discussion there were even more concerns than in this RR...
>     Oh sorry I didn't know this, wasn't subscribed to the kdelibs ML back then :(
>     What were the main concerns?
>     > perhaps we can use the message widget at the top of the view
>     It should be possible for the user to permanently suppress such messages IMHO (aka don't show it again), which isn't supported by the message widget atm as far as I know.

I thought we only want to show it the first time, I don't like having the user to fix us being annoying (fix by checking a don't show again box).

Review 110266 is about kdelibs, okay, I was mistaken, it was just Heiko and never replied to.

- Kai Uwe

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On Feb. 18, 2013, 6:43 nachm., Kai Uwe Broulik wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/109015/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Feb. 18, 2013, 6:43 nachm.)
> Review request for Dolphin, KDE Usability and Frank Reininghaus.
> Bugs: 310764
>     http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=310764
> Repository: kde-baseapps
> Description
> -------
> This patch cleans up the places panel context menus by:
>  - Removing the device name in all the entries, it just distracts and every … single … entry has them. (It is debateable whether that title is needed or fitting, I am not a huge fan of these)
>  - Moving "Open in a new tab" to the top like in most other places in KDE (Unmount and Empty Trash are always above because they're more important) 
>  - Moving Icon Size to the global context menu rather than the item context menu where it made no sense from a context perspective
>  - Removed "Unlock panels" from item context menu (also no "contextual" thing)
>  - Removed "Add Entry" from item context menu
>  - Removed "Show all entries" from item context menu
> See screenshot for direct comparison between all changed context menus.
> Of course this makes Dolphin's places panel drift even further away from generic kdelibs places panel but they so different already …
> Diffs
> -----
>   dolphin/src/panels/places/placesitemmodel.cpp 1acbb57 
>   dolphin/src/panels/places/placespanel.cpp e23732c 
> Diff: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/109015/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> Editing still works, hiding/showing items, showing all, changing icon size, emptying trash, mounting/unmounting.
> File Attachments
> ----------------
> Comparison (left old, right new)
>   https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/media/uploaded/files/2013/02/18/cleanupplaces.png
> Thanks,
> Kai Uwe Broulik

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